Friday, August 15, 2008

Random Pictures

Ok I think we need to update this old family photo and I hope we can all get together soon so we can get the new additions added to our Family Group!!!! This was even taken in Grandma and Grandpas old house WOW what along time ago!!! Oh and yes in my previous posting I some mispelled words and Pablo has 3 Children from hid previous marriage and accidentally put 2 I am really bad at blogging and it is late and the Olympics are on also Oh well what can I say!!!! Hey You all do look so cute in these pictures. There are the random pictures of Sal when he was al ittle younger and more pictures of his party!!!!

Sals 18th Birthday

  • It is birthday time for Sal !!!!!! THE BIG 18th !!!!!!!! Here are a few pictures of the family and friends . Here are all my boys all 5of them they are AWESOME!!!! and of course Handsome!!!! I think Sal and Santiago are now taller then Skyler. It is close, of course Shane beats them all. Seth has a long way to go be he is a real charmer and a sweetheart! We had alot of fun for Sals birthday.I can hardly believe he is already 18WOWwhere did the time go! 3 married children 3 grandsons from Shana 1 grandaughter from Summer with 1 baby on the way and Pablo 2 children have 5 in total grandkids 1 boy 4 girls so 9 grandkids altogether an growing! Skyler and Katie are engaged there picture is here in the group Jenny and Shane live in Queencreek where they purchased a new home. Shana and Chuck and boys are still in North Carolina and Summer , Trevor and Madi are in Portlan ,Oregon. We miss them ,and are very greatful or BLOGS so we can see eac other ,and for web cams ,and of course anytime they get to actually visit is Woderful too!!!! There are some random pictures of Sals prom back in April that was a real fun time He went to 2 different proms 2 different schools 2 different girls ! CRAZY!!! So far there are just the crazy picture of him and Tomillo doing some kinda crazy moves I have to find the other pics with the dates! Crystal and,Toni and Devan came also PaulJoe had to work he came later in the night My mom was there Dad was at the temple working . Sals friends stayed till really late we had James Fox and his brother Jaron were there and he was putting on one of the girls bikinis over his bathing suit it was so funny I have to download those pictures later They have been freinds with Sal since they were little boys. Happy Happy BIRTHDAY SAL!!!!! we hope you had a Great Time

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A couple more picture of Madi with Sierra and Santi .She says all their names and I loved when she call out for Santi .

Ok so I'm not so good at this blogging thing I was supposed to add the pictures and somehow I messed up so here they are down here .Shana and Chuck and boys are gonna be here in 10 days and she will hopefully, if we get a minute; show me how to be better with my blog! These picures turmed out pretty good for my little digital camera Of course Madi is such a Doll!!!! and the kiddos are so cute!!!

We were so excited to have Summer ,Trevor and Madilyn in town with us this last week .Madi has changed and is still proving to be the Genious little girl that she is!!!!! She is so funny and sweet , cute and Beautiful . Just how she talks and knows so many things for her age is so amazing!!!!She is definatley smart like her mommy was when she was that age and of course Summer is still very smart and a Great Mommy &Trevor is a Great! daddy Madi's got some Great parents that Love her !!!! Madi Loves the pool and swimming and she even knows the word float and was good at trying to do that, it was so cute!!!Here ar a few pics Ya know we didn't get any of her in our pool but they have some of her at her Gramma Tracys house and she even went down the slide!!!! She really loved the wooden rocking horse that was made by my Great Uncle Lamar when Sierra was 1 years old Kylan has one also. Before Madi couldn't even climb up on it and now she just climbs up on her own and really loves it!!!! We miss not having them around and look forward to when Trevor finishes chiropractic school in Portland so they can all move back to Arizona !

Monday, March 17, 2008

More Family Fun!!!!

Everyone absolutley LOVED!!!!the Baby!!!!Copper is so cute and Adorable!!!! It was alot of the families first time getting to meet the Little Guy and he is a sweet good natured Boy . he was Great for eveyone!!! and he love all the attention and we Loved giving it to him!!!! I will add more pictures of others holding him but the blog is kinda sloooww today ! Well off to school for the kids this morning back off spring break!!!!

What a Beautiful Family!!!!!Fun at the Birthday Party!!!!

we had a Great!!!!!Time with Shana ,Chuck ,Kylan Brayden and sweet little Cooper!!!!! The time just went by to fast! We are very much looking forward to the time when they are able to head on back to Arizona to live once again!!!! We had a Fun time a the pizza place for Dierra and Kylans 7th Birthdays !!! They got lots of Fun!!! things!!! It is fun to see them with there toothless grins. They have lost there teeth right along a the same time Kylan actually lost a tooth while he was here and the tooth fairy visited him even while he was at Grandmas house!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

We are so happy Skyler is home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so Happy that Skyler returned home safe and sound from serving his mission in Australia !!!!! These are just some random pictures and I am just having fun learning how to download pictures!We are proud of Skyler !!!! He served the Lord Honorably and was a Fantastic missionary ,he was a trainer District leader,and Zone Leader .We are very proud to have him as our Son and thank him for being such a Great Example! No pressure ! Just want him to know We Love him!!!!

Shane &Jenny Wedding Day August 25th,07

It is my first times posting pictures and I realize that I am gonna have to go turn in some of my disposable cameras to get some more current pictures of things but this is my first time so be patient